Brazil's development bank seeks ouster of Batistas from JBS

The investment arm of BNDES, Brazil's state-owned bank, has asked JBS SA to convene a shareholder meeting to remove the controlling Batista family from the company's management and board,

Reuters reported.

BNDES Participações SA holds a 22% stake in the company, the report said. Patriarch José Batista Sobrinho and his son Wesley Mendonça Batista, the CEO, serve on the board. The family owns 42% of the company.

Minority shareholders aligned with the investment arm want the Batistas to compensate them for a drop in share value, saying that the company's reputation has been hurt, the article said. Wesley and his brother Joesley have admitted to bribing politicians.

Meanwhile, a Brazilian judge has blocked the planned $300 million sale of JBS's South American unit to Minerva SA, and the attorney general's office has called for the company's and family's assets to be frozen,

Reuters reported.

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Federal Judge Ricardo Leite sits on the court that will review a plea bargain the Batistas reached with prosecutors. Under the deal, Wesley and Joseley Batista would avoid prosecution if they turned in 1,893 politicians involved in a bribery scheme, the Reuters report said. Earlier, the Batistas agreed to pay a fine of 10.3 billion reais ($3.1 billion) over 25 years. (Source: Reuters, June 22, 2017 and June 21, 2017.)

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