After BMW matriarch's death, the family retains control

Johanna Quandt, the BMW matriarch who died at age 89 on Aug. 3, was Germany's second wealthiest woman,


Financial Times


Her children Stefan, 49, and Susanne, 53, will inherit her 17% stake in the company, “thereby retaining the family's combined 47 per cent holding in BMW, which also owns the Mini and Rolls-Royce brands,” the


article said.

Quandt's two children are members of BMW's supervisory board, the article said.

Johanna Quandt was the third wife of Herbert Quandt, whose business empire included stakes in Daimler-Benz and BMW. She had been his secretary, the


report said. She joined the BMW supervisory board after her husband's death in 1982 and served until 1997, the article said.

The family commissioned a historian to investigate the Quandts' activities during the Nazi era. “In 2011, that research uncovered numerous injustices, including the extensive use of forced labour in the factories of Günther Quandt, Herbert's father,” the


article said. (Source:

Financial Times

, Aug. 7, 2015.)

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