Bakries' influence at Bumi increases

Businessman Rosan Roeslani has sold his 10% stake in Bumi to three new investors who will be able to vote their stakes in the Indonesian coal-mining company,


Financial Times


This development raises likely support of the Bumi board from 30% to more than 40% before a scheduled vote over control of the company, the article said.

Two of the three new shareholders, Avenue Asia Capital and the Tanoesoedibjo family, have previous relationships with the Bakrie family, who are vying with financier Nat Rothschild for control of Bumi, the


report noted. A spokesman for the Bakries said the family had no advance knowledge of the sale.

Rothschild and the Bakries formed Bumi in 2010 that involved folding stakes in the Bakries’ coal assets into Rothschild’s London-listed shell company. The share price dropped because of a drop in the price of coal, boardroom feuds and an investigation into financial irregularities in the company.

Under Rothschild’s plan, 12 of Bumi’s 14 directors, including chairman Samin Tan, would be replaced.

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A separate



cited an unnamed source who said, “The Bakries regards themselves as at war with Nat and they will not execute the deal if Nat wins.” (Source:

Financial Times,

Feb. 19, 2013.)

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