Daffy's to liquidate its 19 stores

Family-run discount retailer Daffy’s Inc. will liquidate its 19 stores,


Wall Street Journal


The company’s 1,300 employees will receive pay and benefits for at least 60 days, the article said.

Citing a report in

Women’s Wear Daily,



said the company told vendors in June that it wasn’t able to pay its May invoices.

Daffy’s stores were based in New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia. The


article noted that in November, it had opened a store in Times Square, where rents run about $1,400 per square foot.

In a statement, the company cited the uncertain economy, weak consumer spending and “a lack of viable financial and business alternatives,” according to

a report

on the website NorthJersey.com.

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Daffy’s was founded in 1961, when Irving Shulman opened an Elizabeth, N.J., store called Daffy Dan’s Bargain Town. Shulman died in March 2011 at age 96; his daughter Marcia Wilson was the company’s chairwoman.

A report in

Crain’s New York Business

said Wilson had been searching for a financial partner for two years. That article noted that in a 2010 interview, Wilson had said she planned to add more than a dozen more stores in the New York metro area by 2015. (Sources:

Wall Street Journal,

July 17, 2012; NorthJersey.com, July 16, 2012;

Crain’s New York Business,

July 16, 2012.)

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