Family nutritional ingredient company acquires manufacturing technology

Kemin Industries, a global, family-owned nutritional ingredient company based in Des Moines, Iowa, has acquired beta-glucan manufacturing technology from Algal Scientific of Plymouth, Mich.

Kemin industries, founded in 1961, manufactures ingredients for both livestock/pet feed (mold inhibitors, antioxidants) and human food (nutritional additives). The company also invests in a laboratory and research in animal and human health.

Beta-glucans promote gut health in humans and animals. Alcal Scientific invented the manufacturing technology as a start-up.

Dr. Chris Nelson is Kemin's second-generation president and CEO. Founder R.W. Nelson is the chairman.

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In addition to the technology inventors, Kemin will also about a dozen new employees with expertise in both production and research.

Kemin has more than 2,000 global employees and operates in 90 countries, including Belgium, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Singapore, South Africa and the U.S.

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