Former Dow Jones exec is new Rodale president

Rodale Inc., a publishing and lifestyle company in its third generation, has named Scott Schulman, a former executive at Dow Jones & Co., as its president,

Reuters reported.

Schulman will develop strategy to increase Rodale’s revenue, the article said, citing a company press release. He will report to chairman and CEO Maria Rodale.

The trade publication



that the role of president had been vacant at Rodale since Steven Pleshette Murphy stepped down as president and CEO in 2009.



report said Maria Rodale is expected to continue in an “active” role as CEO. She will focus on “broader strategic initiatives,” and Schulman will be responsible for strategy and revenue growth, the article said. Rodale told


that Shulman is “really going to be running the brands on a day-to-day basis.”

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Schulman spent more than 13 years at Dow Jones and was publisher of the online version of the Wall Street Journal in 2000, where he helped institute its paid subscription model, the article said. (Sources: Reuters, Oct. 15, 2013;


Oct. 15, 2013.)

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