James Murdoch's spokeswoman quits

Alice Macandrew, James Murdoch’s spokeswoman, has resigned from News Corp. over disagreements about the handling of the phone-hacking scandal,

The Guardian


She gave notice in July, “but news of her departure has only just become public after News Corp. tried and failed to persuade her to stay,” the article said. She will leave at the end of the year.

Macandrew is one of the first senior executives to quit News Corp. voluntarily over disagreements with the company’s approach, which saw the publisher contest phone-hacking lawsuits brought by celebrities and other public figures in 2010 and early 2011, and close the

News of the World

in July.

The report said Murdoch personally appointed Macandrew as his chief press aide in 2009 and that she “was a key adviser on the company’s media strategy from the moment stories about phone hacking were revealed.” (Source:

The Guardian,

Sept. 27, 2011.)

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