Market Basket employees rally in support of ousted CEO

At a July 18 rally that drew more than 2,500 supporters of ousted CEO Arthur T. Demoulas. Market Basket employees vowed to stop deliveries to stores, reported.

If warehouse workers and drivers stopped deliveries, the chain's existing stock “likely would not last a week,” the article said.

Trucks from outside carriers were seen at the warehouse on the day of the rally, the article said.


Boston Herald


that the outside carriers were unable to make deliveries because truck bays were blocked by Market Basket trucks.

The report said employees planned to rally at the company's headquarters until Demoulas is reinstated.

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A letter to employees from co-CEOs Felicia Thornton and James Gooch said the board would have a conference call to discuss the demand and that employees who “abandon” their jobs would be fired, reported.

“Leaders of the employee movement were careful not to label the action as a strike or a lokout, and indications were that many of those who did not work had called in sick or used vacation time. It's not clear how that strategy would affect Thornton and Gooch's edict,” the article said.

Market Basket employees are not unionized, the report noted.

An earlier report said

that employees have speculated that the board is planning to sell the company.

Another article

quoted a message on the “Save Market Basket” Facebook page that said a July 17 meeting between the co-CEOs and employees “ended with associated walking away from [the CEOs] more irate and firm in their resolve than ever.”

Demoulas was fired in June after his cousin, Arthur S. Demoulas, gained control of the company's board. (Sources:, July 18, 2014; July 17, 2014; July 15, 2014.)

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