MOL Logistics sells its stake in JF Hillebrand Group

MOL Logistics has sold its 31.56% stake in JF Hillebrand Group AG to COBEPA and SOFINA. JF Hillebrand, founded in 1944 in Mainz, Germany, is a global company that provides logistics to the alcoholic beverage industry.

COBEPA, based in Brussels, is a private investment company owned by several large European families. The acquisition increases COBEPA's stake in JF Hillebrand to 55%.

SOFINA, a new investor in JF Hillebrand, is acquiring a 20% stake in the company and will take over MOL's seat on the supervisory board. SOFINA is a listed, family-controlled investment company.

The Hillebrand family and management own the remaining 25% of the company.

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JF Hillebrand Group employs more than 2,300 people and has a presence in 91 countries, with 58 offices around the world. Revenues for 2015 were €1.2 billion.

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