The Mogi family of Japan started the Kikkoman Corp. as a local soy-sauce maker in the 17th century. Today it is an international company. The family now has eight branches, each of which is allowed to designate only one member per generation to work in the business.
Executive managing director Yuzaburo Mogi presented the Mogi Family Constitution at a recent conference. Adopted by the family a century ago, it is a statement of values and code of behavior which was clearly designed to prevent family tension and instruct the young. Other families may learn from its gentle admonitions. —The Editors.
1. All family members desire peace. Never fight, and always respect each other. Ensure progress in business and the perpetuity of family prosperity.
2. Loving God and Buddha is the source of all virtue. Keeping faith leads to a peaceful mind.
3. All family members should be polite to each other. If the master is not polite, the others will not follow. Sin is the result of being impolite. FamiliesÃyoung and old, master and workersÃgovern themselves by politeness; then peace will be brought of their own accord.
4. Virtue is the cause, fortune the effect. Never mistake the cause for the effect. Never judge people on whether they are rich or not.
5. Keep strict discipline. Demand diligence. Preserve orderÃyoung and old, master and workers.
6. Business depends on people. Do not make appointments or dismissals using personal prejudices. Put the right man in the right place. Loving men who do what they should bring peace to their minds.
7. Education of the children is our responsibility to the nation. Train the body and mind with moral, intellectual, and physical education.
8. Approach all living beings with love. Love is fundamental to human beings and the source of a life worth living. Words are the door to fortune and misfortune. A foul tongue hurts oneself and others. A kind tongue keeps everything peaceful. Be careful in every word you speak.
9. Keep humbleness and diligence, which have been handed down over the years from our forefathers. Make every effort to do as much as you can.
10. True earning comes from the labor of sweat. Speculation is not the best road to follow. DonÃt do business by taking advantage of anotherÃs weakness.
11. Competition is an important factor in progress, but avoid extreme or unreasonable competition. Strive to prosper together with the public.
12. Make success or failure clear, judge fairly punishment and reward. Never fail to reward good service, and donÃt allow a mistake to go unpunished.
13. Consult with family members when starting a new business. Never try to do anything alone. Always appreciate any profit made by your family.
14. DonÃt carelessly fall into debt. DonÃt recklessly be a guarantor of liability. DonÃt lend money with the purpose of gaining interest, because you are not a bank.
15. Save money from your earnings, and give to society as much as you can. But never ask for a reward nor think highly of yourself.
16. DonÃt decide important affairs by yourself. Always consult with the people concerned before making a decision. Then employees will have a positive attitude in their work.
Reprinted from Global Perspectives on Family Business, Family Business Center, Loyola University Chicago, 1994.