News Corp. considering a split

News Corp. is considering whether to split itself in two by separating its publishing assets from its entertainment businesses, according to

a report in the

Wall Street Journal,

a News Corp. publication. If the corporation were to split, the publishing company would be much smaller than the entertainment company, the


article said.

The report noted that the possibility of a split has been discussed within the company for years. News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch, who previously opposed such a move, recently has showed signs of changing his mind, the article said.



article said a split wouldn’t change the Murdoch family’s effective control of any of the businesses. The family owns about 40% of the voting shares of News Corp.



report said outside investors would welcome the move; the company’s TV and film assets are more valuable than its publishing businesses. Phone hacking by staff at the company’s U.K. newspapers led to a government investigation and international criticism, and U.K. government investigators are considering whether News Corp. should be permitted to keep its 39% stake in British Sky Broadcasting.

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Analyst Alex DeGroote


Bloomberg Businessweek:

“I don’t think most corporate shareholders want to have exposure to U.K. newspaper assets. But I think Rupert Murdoch wants the assets, so there’s a conflict between what shareholders want and what Rupert wants, so one way around that is de-merge them.”


Wall Street Journal,

June 26, 2012;

Bloomberg Businessweek,

June 26, 2012.)

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