Owner launches GoFundMe page to save 160-year old family business

Taber Gregory, fifth-generation owner of Gregory Sawmill in Wilton, Conn., has set up a GoFundMe page to help keep the 160-year-old business's mortgage current and to pay off back taxes, according to

a report in

The Hour

, a Norwalk, Conn. newspaper.

Charles E. Gregory, Taber Gregory's great-great-grandfather, purchased the sawmill in 1856. The mill is the oldest family-run business in Wilton, the article said. It's now one of 17 sawmills operating in Connecticut, down from 72 in 1989, according to

The Hour

's report.

Taber Gregory told the newspaper that his father, John Gregory, passed away in 2006. In 2009, Taber Gregory went through a divorce, “which he said left the business destitute and him nearly homeless,” the article said.

The GoFundMe page has set a fund-raising goal of $50,000; at the time the article was published, only $625 had been raised, the report said.

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Gregory, one of three adopted sons, starting working at the sawmill at age 6 and has headed the business since early 2000, the article said. He has three employees, according to the report. Gregory's brother Chris Meier, a carpenter, helps out occasionally, the article said. (Source:

The Hour

, Jan. 13, 2017.)

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