Rolling Stone founder handing off duties to his son

Jann Wenner, the 69-year-old founder of

Rolling Stone,

“is gradually handing over the operation to his son,” 25-year-old Gus Wenner, according to

a report in the

New York Times


In addition to troubles that have plagued the publishing industry since the advent of the digital age,

Rolling Stone

recently suffered a blow to its reputation after a discredited report about an alleged gang rape at the University of Virginia. Managing editor Will Dana left the magazine over the flawed report.

In addition, the


report said

Rolling Stone

“has followed the path set out by its founder so ceaselessly that it has never adapted.” Jann Wenner has refused to venture into music festivals or conferences, was skeptical about the Internet and continues to focus the magazine's content on bands that appeal to the baby boomer generation.

The magazine has cut its magazine staff, although it is hiring for web and video positions, the article said.

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“Current and former colleagues said Gus Wenner is preternaturally self-assured, something that one former employee suggested is a Wenner family trait. He is well liked, and those who have worked with him say he does not fit the stereotype of a privileged scion being handed the family business But one likened his current challenge to playing football without pads,” the


article said. (Source:

New York Times

, Aug. 24, 2015.)

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