Scion named to two new positions at Indian conglomerate

Next-generation member Pirojsha Godrej has been named to positions in two companies within his 119-year-old family enterprise, Godrej Group,

Forbes India


Godrej Group, one of India's oldest family businesses, is a $4 billion conglomerate with interests in consumer products and real estate, the article said.

Pirojsha Godrej, the 35-year-old son of chairman Adi Godrej, will succeed his father as executive chairman of Godrej Properties Ltd. (GPL), effective April 1. Pirojsha Godrej has also been named a director on the board of Godrej Consumer Products Ltd. (GCPL), the


India report said.

Pirojsha Godrej has a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, a master's degree in international affairs from Columbia Univrsity and an MBA from Columbia Business School. He joined GPL in 2004 and became its managing director and chief executive in 2012, the article said.

Adi Godrej will become GPL’s chairman emeritus and will remain chairman of GCPL, the article said.

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Pirojsha's elder siblings, Tanya Dubash and Nisaba Godrej, also work in the family business. Nisaba is an executive director at GCPL who leads innovation strategy and oversees corporate strategy and human capital functions at the group level. Tanya is an executive director and chief brand officer of the Godrej Group. (Source:

Forbes India

, Feb. 2, 2017.)

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