Third generation takes over at Pa. department store chain

Jim Boscov, 65 has been named CEO of Reading, Pa.-based Boscov's Department Stores,


Philadelphia Business Journal


He succeeds his uncle, Albert Boscov, 85, who will remain as chairman.

Jim Boscov will also continue in his role of vice chairman, the article said.

Boscov's, which celebrated its 100th anniversary this year. is the largest family-owned independent department store chain in the U.S., the article said. It operates 43 stores in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and Ohio and plans to open a store this fall in Meriden, Conn., the article said.

The company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in August 2008. It successfully emerged from reorganization in 2009 and closed 10 stores, the journal report noted. Albert Boscov first retired in 2006 but returned as chairman and CEO after the bankruptcy. In December 2008, Albert Boscov and his brother-in-law Edwin Lakin, bought the company, the article said. (Source:

Philadelphia Business Journal

, May 11, 2015.)

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