Unit of Germany's Schwarz Group aims for 150 new U.S. stores

Lidl, a grocery chain that is a unit of Germany's family-owned Schwarz Group, has acquired a site in Philadelphia,


Philadelphia Inquirer


Lidl's U.S. unit, based in Arlington, Va., paid $2.88 million for two parcels covering nearly four acres in the Port Richmond section of Philadelphia. The location would be one of Lidl's first outside a city center, the


article said.

Lidl “has been quietly identifying store locations along the East Coast since establishing its U.S. headquarters in 2015,” the article said. The


report, citing the German Embassy's website, said Lidl aims ultimately to operate 150 stores in the eastern United States. It plans to open the first stores by 2018, according to the report.

Lidl “generally buys its own real estate, rather than leasing space from landlords,” the article said. The company “opened a regional headquarters and distribution center in Cecil County, Md., that will be capable of serving multiple states, once operational,” the


article said. (Source:

Philadelphia Inquirer

, Dec. 12, 2016.)

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