Wanda S. Ortwine

Chief Family Officer, Luck Companies

As Chief Family Officer and a member of the Luck Companies Strategic Leadership Team, Wanda Ortwine is responsible for leading the Family Office, which supports the family and Luck Companies in achieving their vision for the next generation. The Family Office is focused on long-term financial sustainability through thoughtful and comprehensive business ownership and leadership succession plans, estate and tax planning, asset protection, investment strategies, and diversification.

Wanda began her career with the company in 2007 as the Family Office Manager. She has been a tremendous asset to Luck Companies by leading short and long-term strategies that ensure the continuity for the multi-generational business. One of her key objectives is to preserve the Lucks’ values and business interests from generation to generation and build for the future by counseling the next generation on education and training.

Prior to joining Luck Companies, Wanda served as Chief Specialty Practice Officer, director of tax services, and board member at Witt Mares, PLC. As Chief Specialty Practice Officer, she was responsible for managing operations of the tax, financial services, and pension plan design and administration divisions.

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Wanda holds a B.S. in accounting from Truman State University and an M.S. in taxation from Arizona State University. She currently serves on the boards of the Luck Companies Foundation and First Things First of Greater Richmond.

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