Yuengling to resume selling beer in Mass.

Family-owned brewer D.G. Yuengling and Son plans to resume selling its product in Massachusetts in early 2014 after a 20-year absence,

Banker & Tradesman


The company sells beer in 14 states and in Washington, D.C., the report noted. Massachusetts would be the first new market Yuengling has entered since it began selling beer in Ohio in 2011, the article said.

Yuengling exited Massachusetts and the New England region in 1993, when the brewer was much smaller, the article said. At the time, Yuengling couldn’t produce enough beer to keep up with the demand in the region, chief operating officer David Casinelli told

Banker & Tradesman

. (Source:

Banker & Tradesman,

Oct. 16, 2013.)

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