NextGens to Watch 2024: Tara Tanjasiri

Family Business Magazine's NextGens to Watch Class of 2024 consists of 22 standout rising-generation members who are making a difference in their family enterprises.

Second generation
Crema Artisan Bakers, Irvine, Calif.

Tara Tanjasiri is the operations manager at her family's bakery and restaurant, Crema Artisan Bakers and The Crema Café. She has been with the company since graduating from the University of Southern California in December 2018.

The Crema Café is a breakfast and brunch restaurant that was started 18 years ago on Main Street in Seal Beach, Calif. “Crema Artisan stemmed from that business because of my dad's love of baking,” Tara says. “Now, we have a wholesale bakery that provides bread and pastries to about 140 coffee shops, restaurants and hotels.” Last year, the bakery became a supplier to Disneyland.

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Tara worked in her family's restaurant as a hostess and cashier during high school. “After graduating from USC, I set my sights on landing a role with Orange County's Environmental Health division,” she says. “But then the pandemic threw everything off course. Suddenly, I found myself focusing all my efforts on keeping our family's bakery afloat.

“Armed with fliers and Google Forms, I launched a grassroots campaign, drumming up weekly orders and coordinating deliveries throughout our neighborhood. As demand grew, we expanded our efforts, even pitching in to provide meals for frontline workers and essential groceries for our own staff.

“Through all this, I developed a deep attachment to our products and witnessed firsthand the resilience of our team. What started as a temporary pivot turned into a revelation — I realized I had a genuine passion for our family business and a newfound appreciation for my dad's hard work. Though I once hesitated to follow in his footsteps, I now embrace our family's legacy with determination. This journey has solidified my commitment to ensuring our business thrives in the face of any challenge.”

Tara, who holds a bachelor of science in environmental science and health, holds certification from the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA). She has implemented food safety protocols, including a hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) plan, in the business, “not only to pursue a larger customer base, but also to prioritize the quality and safety of our products.”

“From her creative solutions to getting product directly to consumers when their primary customers (restaurants) were shut down, to her leading the way in getting advanced food safety certifications to allow the business to serve larger institutional customers like Disneyland, Tara has found her niche in the family business and is helping to propel it forward,” says Tim Schultz, a family business consultant with LeadershipOne and director of the California State University Fullerton Center for Family Business.

“Although my experience has only just begun, I have developed a strong passion for building relationships with our partners, supporting our staff and providing a great quality product with integrity,” Tara says.

About the Author(s)

Barbara Spector

Barbara Spector is Family Business Magazine's editor-at-large.

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