Celebrate your Next Gens' achievements

“Igniting the sparks of engagement in your family's younger generation,” by Charlotte Lamp, Family Business Magazine, July/August 2015

Publicly honoring the achievements of your Next Gens at an annual business meeting is one way to connect these young adults to one another and to the family business. In many families, Next Gens are invited to the annual business meeting after they turn 15. How do you welcome them? How do you celebrate this milestone in their lives?

How does your business family recognize high school, college and graduate school graduations? Some families create milestone posters to hang on the walls at their annual business and family meeting.

Some families welcome married-in members with a special toast at the social hour before the annual meeting dinner. This tradition is also a good way to welcome newborns and acknowledge their parents, or to announce new family entrepreneurs and their businesses.

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Celebrating such family milestones adds to family cohesion because it helps to spark pride in family members' accomplishments.

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