Koss headphones star on ‘Mad Men' premiere

When Koss Corp. headphones were featured on the season premiere of

Mad Men,

the company did not pay for promotional placement and had no say in how its product would be depicted,

Advertising Age


Koss executives did not see the episode before it aired, the article said.

CEO Michael Koss learned his company would be featured on the show from a newspaper article a couple of weeks before the episode aired, the

Ad Age

article said. He contacted the producers of the show, who confirmed the product would be depicted but would not show him the episode in advance, the report noted.

Before the premiere, Koss marketing staffers promoted it on Facebook and Twitter and instituted a contest with prizes that included headphones and retro posters signed by founder John Koss.

Michael Koss worked at an ad agency in the 1970s before joining his family company, the report noted. (Source:

Advertising Age,

April 11, 2013.)

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